Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sexy Fun Times

Today's post is dedicated to my parents and conversations I have had with them in the past 12 hours. I am 1500 miles away from them, and I am blessed to live in the era of phones and Facebook. These words I am about to share are brought to you by another all-nighter and this fabulous coffee-with-my-sugar that I am currently drinking.

I was chatting with Moms about the usual--philosophy, ancient history, and sex. Part of what was mentioned was "sexy fun times," as I said, referencing not-sex (as I am a virgin still).

It appears to me that a common misconception amongst the general American population that "sexy fun times" only means actual intercourse, which is of course not the case. Flirting, hugs, tickling, poking, any contact really, and much dialogue applies. Anything that gets your heartbeat up a bit, anything that makes you tingle in the right places, or even makes you feel warm and fuzzy, is SFT. I have been experiencing such things since I was about twelve and discovered that sex was not just something my parents' closed their door for, allowing me free reign in the kitchen. Oh no, it is so much more.

Even looking at someone attractive, or thinking about them, counts as SFT. Really, it runs the gamut from little girls riding ponies to grannies reminiscing, and reliving, their prime. That's the beauty of sex in general, and SFT specifically. I am ever so grateful to be human, though I would have settled for wolvenness, or lycanthropy--but that is a story for another time.

In a similar vein, I am also blessed to swing both ways, and appreciate both my father's and my mother's taste in others. Scarlett Johansson, Jeffrey Donovan, and so forth. However, women are crazy, and really, how many curves does one relationship need? I fill the quota, as I say, and I would like some contrast up in here.

For my final note, women are really insane, and jealousy is completely irrelevant to sex. They overlap, and quite commonly in mainstream culture, but they are not mutually inclusive. There are women who feel threatened by the wandering eyes of their men (which is ridiculous, because how else would he have found you? and what do you think porn is? and how do your eyes wander?) and other women who are completely unphased by polyamory, in which their partner may become romantically involved with one or more others. Not to be sexist, for the reverse is also true, and men tend to be more volatile in their jealousy, though most would appreciate such freedom.

I suppose this entry does not really answer any questions, nor is it especially vivid or miraculous, but there you go. Maybe I'll enthrall you next time.


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